Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Camp Nathaniel

I can't wait to go to camp this summer. Me and Daniel are going to go fishing. After three years we have it all planed out and know exactly where the fishing spots are. It is also fun because you are like on your own kind of, with the exception of the noncoms. I just love the rugged cabin and the out doors.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Where I wish I was

I really wish that I was in the mountains of Colorado, at the dude ranch that we went to last summer. It was so fun and relaxing, that I was really sad when we had to go home. Now I really want to go back, there are great views and fresh air, and you are being waited on whenever you need something. I really need something relaxing right now, any ideas?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Well, I now have a 55 Gallon fish tank in my room. It has been really cool to learn about how to take care of the fish. We have had three fish die and we have four left. The fish that we got at first were supposed to be tougher fish but they weren't. So now we have to wait for the tank to get dialed in and ten we should be set to slowly start adding fish. I can't wait because there are so many cool fish.